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know have  established or do you think that it is  it’s different or it’s tweaked in some  ways specifically for facebook it’s a  great question i guess the answer is  it’s a little ball so when we utilize  different office team members and create  based in their personality and in their  interest that they like and that is  bringing us to have a variety of kind of  different personalities being posted

  online so in one reflection of our  office it really does have different  Adelaide Business Accountant personalities just people posting  different pictures side of that is that  there are post as we want to get  information out that it may have  recurring or they may be on topics that  we’re trying to bring more awareness to  don’t take more kind of say a more  standard tone than somebody’s  personality coming through

in them so  combination a little of both different  personalities from different staffers  hoping and then some plain folks that may  add one what are my top two yes so you  guys out so I think in all of our  internet efforts have always tried to  keep my branding the same are very  similar to what people feel when they  walk into my brick and mortar location I  think it’s important that what Justin  thought I could go over very well but  what you don’t want to do is surprise  somebody a lot of people take your  website for instance which is a it’s

a  virtual extension of your  brick-and-mortar operation people see it  touch it and feel it and expect to feel  a similar way when they walk in the door  if they don’t it can be a little  disconcerting if you can even set off a  potentially negative experience or at  least experience where they’re going to  be more critical of you than if they got  when they expected when they walked in  your door so I like every I like my  facebook my Twitter everything to kind  of feel look and feel like I think it’s  consistent across the board I I think we  kind of more shoot shoot

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